So I just got back from walking my dog. It was quite the workout. I happen to be owned by the second largest dog (great dane) in the neighborhood, however, most people don't know about the largest (mastiff) because its owners never take it for walks. The walk started out by us dodging the two little white 5lb dogs at the end of our street who miraculously "escaped" again. They escape because their owners open up the back door and boot them outside; no attempt is EVER made to confine these dogs to their yard, despite the leash laws. Then, when my dog pounces at them (at because I haul my dog back) when they get too close, the owners freak. After this happened 3 times in 1 day last summer, I informed them that if their dogs ran at us barking and growling and snapping, it constituted an attack and I was going to let my dog defend himself. I also threatened to call animal control if I saw the dogs loose again. For a while, this worked, but they are back to being a nuisance again. However, tonight we managed to get away from the 2 little white dogs without incident only to encounter a medium sized dog about a quarter mile later. Great. My dog is already keyed up and in protection mode from the last 2 loose dogs. Said medium sized dog is supposedly being walked, but no leash is in sight. I'm told by the people "walking" the dog as he barrels towards us "Oh, he's friendly, you don't have to worry." Don't think they liked my reply of "Come get your dog before I let my dog get him." They then yelled at me to control MY dog, who is now pitching a fit, barking, snarling and snapping while trying to pounce on this dog. HELLO!?! My dog is on a leash and hasn't got your dog yet, so clearly something is controlling him! I then wrestle my dog into a headlock (yes, it must look hysterical because I'm only 5'8 and my dog is at least 6'3 when standing on his hind legs). I proceed to tell them that clearly, I have control of my dog and that the only reason my dog is flipping out is because their dog is off leash. I then inform them that they have until I count to 10 to get their dog under their control before I let my dog go. The guy then came and grabbed the other dog's collar and dragged him away. I let my dog down and tell him to sit, which he does right away because the other dog is under control. I then told them (in the sweetest tones possible), that they must be new to our state because they don't know about the leash and license laws (dog's collar didn't have any tags to indicate vaccination or license). I then explain that all dogs in our state MUST be vaccinated for rabies and licensed. They must also be on leash at all times off their property and must be confined to their property by either a fence, an e-collar, or a line when out in their yard unsupervised. I then wished them good evening and we walked on, my dog prancing at my side (he's always so proud of himself when he "protects" me). We then proceeded to have a good walk for the next mile or so. As we turned back up our street, my neighbor's girlfriend lost control of her dog again, for the 3rd time this week. I like this neighbor, and he is great about making sure this little devil dog is under proper control, but his girlfriend should not be permitted to own any sort of pet other than a gold fish. Seriously, this little yippy thing has major aggression issues which she admits to, no training which she never does anything about, yet she routinely takes it out to put it in its pen off leash in her arms. She is then shocked when the dog sees something or someone, claws the crap out of her, escapes and charges at whatever or whoever is approaching. So far this week, I've succeeded in driving the dog off by spraying it with water from my water bottle, by running straight for it like a mad woman and tonight by hitting it across the ass with the end of my dog's leash. She was not pleased by that, but what could she say? She knew that I was pissed the dog was loose again. We have lots of toddlers (2 across the street from this particular house!) in our neighborhood, and I shudder to think what will happen if this dog encounters them- probably at least a bite incident. I understand accidents happen and dogs get loose. Hell, my dog has gotten loose 2x under my care. Both times, I've taken steps to make sure that it didn't happen again. I have no problem with the people who are chasing after their dogs because the dog got loose, it happens, probably to everyone at least once. Is it mean that I hope that the neighbor's girlfriend loses her dog to the neighborhood fox or coyotes?