Friday, August 20, 2010

Possessed GPS

For the past 2 weeks I've been thinking that DH's GPS is on a mission to get me into cemeteries. Seriously, each time I've borrowed it, if there is even a remote possibility of cutting through a cemetery, the GPS will detour me towards it. Not that I object to short-cuts, but where I'm currently living, cemetery gates are generally closed and locked at dusk. This means that if you drive into one at dusk or after dark, you may not be able to get out without phoning the caretaker. Not my idea of a good evening- as I had to explain to my MIL when we were traveling to watch DH play hockey at an unfamiliar (to me) rink. So when I had to take one of our vehicles into the dealer for maintenance the other day, I shouldn't have been surprised that it took over 1.5 hours to get there. Why? The GPS sent me by a funeral with double-parked cars in a construction zone. Yes, I know that even with the traffic feature, the GPS can't predict large funerals, however, it fit so nicely with the GPS's new-found affection for cemeteries. Then, returning from the dealership, the GPS routed me by 3 funeral homes- two of them with TRIPLE parked cars- essentially turning a 4 lane road into a 1 lane road with a police traffic detail. All because I wanted to avoid the parking lot that is the freeway during rush hour!

Yesterday, I mentioned this phenomenon to DH, who informed me that he's heard it's a common problem with GPS units in our area over the past month- they are preferentially routing people through cemeteries and past funeral homes. What I want to know is if this is someone's idea of testing out a Halloween prank....